Lori Cheek and Andrew Cohen
Two NYC startup friends: Lori (CEO of Cheek’d and Network’d), Andrew Cohen (CEO of Brainscape)
Two NYC startup friends: Lori (CEO of Cheek’d and Network’d), Andrew Cohen (CEO of Brainscape)
When a polar explorer asks my guidance on getting a 360º video right — on the first try — I do by best to share my wisdom!
Hanging out with my friends — Will Davis, Director of TED Licensing; Mark Sylvester, Producer of TEDxSantaBarbara
My friend, Dale Noelle, is a courageous survivor and entrepreneur — CEO of the TRUE Model agency. I was proud to join her in support of the American Cancer Society at this benefit organized by Marcello Costa.
I’m a proud Board Member of the IT History Society, and apparently I’m also the spokesmodel for its merchandise!
After the talks, the conversations between attendees, and the opportunities to meet the presenters, are the highlights of the night!
Ed was the founding CEO of VH-1, had been the CEO of music-oriented online service Prodigy for 5 years, and played many other roles instrumental in creating our digital world. He was also kind enough to host the TEDxFultonStreet Salon 2016, for which I’m very grateful!
Proud to be at a fundraiser supporting Galinsky’s “LIT” program, which helps youths to stay out of jail – by giving them the basic education they should have received earlier in life.
Had a great meeting with award-winning Director Jason Moore, about the production requirements for the new DRAM Conference, coming in 2017!
What do pumpkins, toilet paper, and lemonade have in common? They all relate to heroes of entrepreneurship. After a few near-misses, I finally had an opportunity to meet up with Mike Michalowicz in person.
Forbes ranked her #12 most influential on social media, but I just know her from TED.
When the email announcement came, I signed up instantly, because of the fantastic list of artists who were going to talk, perform, and hang out afterwards: the original drummer from Guns’n’Roses, the original guitarist from KISS, “DMC” from Run-DMC, and moderated by the frontman for Black Flag.
Aaron Sylvan with Business School colleagues on an expedition to the Port of Shanghai