For the last ten years I’ve been helping other tech startups to succeed… and now I have a new project to unveil!

Today is the 100th Day of my role as CEO of LONO Audio, Inc., so I’m sharing a bit of what’s been accomplished in that time. In case you’re not familiar, LONO has a novel technology for enhancing the perception of detail and imaging on musical recordings.

We are offering our remastering capabilities to the largest owners and distributors of music. Talks have already begun with one of the largest private equity firms buying music rights, the archivist of one of the most famous bands in the world, and one of the largest major record labels. (I’ll share names after the deals are signed.)

As a startup veteran, of course I immediately established regular operations behind the scenes. So far, we have filed for a provisional Patent and four Trademarks. We have formed a shareholder agreement and stock incentive plan for participants. As a remote company, we set up a workflow stack of Slack, Trello, HubSpot, Dropbox, DocSend, and Quickbooks. For entertainment counsel, we engaged industry leader Fox Rothschild.

Tremendous thanks to our outstanding founding team for getting us this far: Cary Miller (Inventor), Andrew Lindsay Cohen (Lead Audio Engineer and Cat Wrangler), and Cinnamon Booth (Chief Marketing Officer).

— Aaron Sylvan, CEO
LONO Audio, Inc.
“Bless the Music!”