March 5th, 2018 | Community, Events |
The 5th Annual “Power of Collaboration” Global Summit at the United Nations was great, even though the closest I got to former UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon was taking a selfie with his portrait — in tapestry form.
September 14th, 2017 | Community |
#MFSI2017 brought together several hundred media executives, to explore ways we can use our resources to advance the world’s Global Goals.
June 1st, 2016 | Community, Speaking |
An invitation-only conference for media executives to share and discuss ways we might help the UN to achieve some its global goals.
May 1st, 2015 | Community, Speaking |
I was honored to be included as a media leader at this conference, hosted by Sergio Fernandez de Cordova and the Pvblic Foundation, in which we all brainstormed ways our organizations might be able to help the UN to achieve some of its global goals.