I went to another event organized by Swissnex, which is a network of education, research, innovation and art outposts aimed at connecting Switzerland with the world’s innovation hubs.
I thought I was going solo, but I was delighted to encounter a group of alumni from my business school, IMD. (There are only a few of us in New York City.)
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised the spread of Cheese and Chocolate was over the top.
Today I discovered this amazing curly shaved cheese, called Tête de Moine.

As an introvert, I don’t much enjoy being in a room full of unfamiliar people. But the cheese made up for it.
In NYC there’s pressure for startup entrepreneurs to be extroverts, but I think that’s a lousy pressure to apply to people. (Let’s not shame the quiet founders, m’kay?)
Also, I’m very grateful to @imd.mba for my time in Switzerland and for reigniting the quest for lifelonglearning, into my adulthood.