Why Does AWS Cost 20x Our Data Center?
It’s common to believe that Cloud Services make everything cheaper. Not always so.

Weirdest Case: Is nobody home?
Sometimes people ask what was the most egregious skeleton I found in a closet. Without a doubt, it was the case of The Company With No Employees. During technical interviews, it’s normal for one individual to be the main point of contact. That person will refer...
Why is Android QA So Expensive?
Background: My client, a mobile app company, discovered that Quality Assurance is spending 80% of its budget on Android. Stated differently, that’s 4x the cost for Android as for iOS. What’s going on? Is one dev team much worse than the other? Diagnosis: I...
Why are Android and iOS Dev Out of Sync?
I identified a common root cause when platforms didn’t exhibit the same behaviors.