Every strategy recommendation is presented as 70-80% likely to succeed.
Because when a course of action is proposed, with an estimate of likelihood, here’s how every client reacts:
0% — Cancel payment, big mistake.
50% — Way too risky, we will never do this.
75% — See below!
90% — Great idea, thank you. No further services required.
100% — Consultant must be over-confident.
If a great possible outcome has only a 70-80% chance of success, then it’s important to continue paying the consultants for their expert guidance all the way through the entire expensive project — just to give it the very best possible chance.
In fairness to the consultants, I’d say they are right for doing this. They have been hired to present a great plan, and it’s healthy for great plans to be “stretch goals”.
But mark my words: they always say “this can be done, but you need my help.”